Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Evidence, part 1
What we believe as Christians is not some wishy washy, cosmic, touchy, feely nonsense. We have a faith that is rooted in history and logic. It's time to grow up Christians. We've been baby Christians for too long. It's time grow and mature so that we can be SALTY SALT and BRILLIANT LIGHT. Let's look at the evidence for our faith, so we can be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in us.
Evidence, part 1
I am going to get a few rocks, some gas, a firecracker, a couple hundred toothpicks, some bottled water, and add in a few blades of grass, some dirt, and some leaves for good measure. I’m going to take all of that stuff put it in a container and light the firecracker. What will by my result?
If you answered: “A hot mess,” you are correct!!!!
How many times would I have to repeat that same process before I create a galaxy?
So, why then, would we more readily believe that this is essentially how our planet was created than believe that there is an ultimate designer to our world?
What is your belief on how the Earth got here?
More than likely, if you went to high school in the U.S., you think we are an accident that occurred by a bunch of stuff getting mixed together, blowing up and voila—the Milky Way, starring planet earth. Have you ever considered that it takes more faith to believe that version than the actual truth!
Let’s not start with something as large as a universe. Let’s begin with something smaller. William Paley used the same argument over 100 years ago using a watch. Basically, he stated that the deliberate design of the watch points to the existence of a watch maker. If you can, mentally wrap your mind around something with so many specific pieces working together in a mechanism to produce a precision time piece. Then think about all of that engineering pointing to the fact that someone had to make this watch. This watch is absolutely the product of someone intelligence. Then you can begin to make the leap with understanding that the watch is a brilliant piece of engineering and it took someone of great skill to make it. Using this as a starting point, how much more complex is the universe we live in?
If the watch’s design points to a designer, then how much more does a vast, living planet teeming with life and natural laws point to an even greater designer—God? In the upcoming postings, we are going to look specifically at some of the structures in place in the universe that point to God. Stay tuned.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas History 2
The events in my last blog entry are recorded by the Gospel writer Luke. They are verifiable historical facts. Luke, who was a doctor, did not simply write down what he remembered about Jesus’ birth story. Luke was supremely concerned with getting the facts correct. Therefore, Luke interviewed eyewitnesses and recorded with fidelity their own telling of the story.
Luke also reported that Mary was not pregnant with Joseph’s seed. That she was pregnant through a miraculous act of God. While this is not as verifiable as other facts, it is important to remember here that Luke was writing during a time when other eyewitnesses were still alive. If he skewed the facts, even a little, it is very likely that the criticism from the public would have discredited his Gospel.
Joseph was a descendent of David. The messiah was prophesized to come from David. It makes sense that Joseph and Mary would travel to Bethlehem, the city of David to be counted and to pay taxes. It also makes sense that Joseph and Mary could not find a room because the city was overrun with people who had traveled to Bethlehem for the same reason—to pay their taxes. Thus, Luke reports, while they were in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus, in a manger. It is perfect that Jesus, who is the Lamb of God, given as a sacrifice for man’s sin, was born in a manger, where a lamb would be born.
Luke goes on to report that angels appeared to shepherds who were tending their flocks in the field and announced the miraculous birth. Not only did they go to worship Jesus themselves, but they also told many people along the way where they were going, and why they went there. Thus, there would have been several witnesses of this when Luke wrote his Gospel.
Joseph and Mary, being Jews, were bound to wait the allotted time and have Jesus circumcised. When they entered the temple, according to Luke, Jesus was proclaimed the savior by Simeon, a prophet. He was also prophesized to be the messiah by Anna, a prophetess. Both Simeon and Anna would be known in and around the temple. The statements they made would have been heard by bystanders and onlookers. Their statements about Jesus being the Christ would have been easy to corroborate.
What we have in the Christmas story is a miraculous event that is historically accurate and verifiable. Praise God.
If you are an unbeliever, and you are not sure about all this, that is ok. I was not sure either. When I began to dig into the scripture and verify scripture through commentaries and historical writings, I became convinced of the inerrancy of the Bible.
My brothers and sisters, Satan will have you ignorant and hell bound over small details. He will use his earthly minions to bring up weak arguments that cast just enough doubt to cause unbelief. He will direct your attention to small differences in the Bible and he will call them contradictions. He will plant a seed of doubt in your mind about an issue in the Bible that is very difficult to translate into our understanding because the events happened so long ago. Satan wants you ignorant and unbelieving so he can lie to you. If you are not sure about this find out for yourself and make a decision based on the evidence.
As I watch the snow I am thankful on this day that God humbled himself and came to earth as man to be sacrificed for our sin. I am grateful that He was born and that because He was born, and because He willingly gave himself, I can live forever in paradise. Hallelujah!
Luke also reported that Mary was not pregnant with Joseph’s seed. That she was pregnant through a miraculous act of God. While this is not as verifiable as other facts, it is important to remember here that Luke was writing during a time when other eyewitnesses were still alive. If he skewed the facts, even a little, it is very likely that the criticism from the public would have discredited his Gospel.
Joseph was a descendent of David. The messiah was prophesized to come from David. It makes sense that Joseph and Mary would travel to Bethlehem, the city of David to be counted and to pay taxes. It also makes sense that Joseph and Mary could not find a room because the city was overrun with people who had traveled to Bethlehem for the same reason—to pay their taxes. Thus, Luke reports, while they were in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus, in a manger. It is perfect that Jesus, who is the Lamb of God, given as a sacrifice for man’s sin, was born in a manger, where a lamb would be born.
Luke goes on to report that angels appeared to shepherds who were tending their flocks in the field and announced the miraculous birth. Not only did they go to worship Jesus themselves, but they also told many people along the way where they were going, and why they went there. Thus, there would have been several witnesses of this when Luke wrote his Gospel.
Joseph and Mary, being Jews, were bound to wait the allotted time and have Jesus circumcised. When they entered the temple, according to Luke, Jesus was proclaimed the savior by Simeon, a prophet. He was also prophesized to be the messiah by Anna, a prophetess. Both Simeon and Anna would be known in and around the temple. The statements they made would have been heard by bystanders and onlookers. Their statements about Jesus being the Christ would have been easy to corroborate.
What we have in the Christmas story is a miraculous event that is historically accurate and verifiable. Praise God.
If you are an unbeliever, and you are not sure about all this, that is ok. I was not sure either. When I began to dig into the scripture and verify scripture through commentaries and historical writings, I became convinced of the inerrancy of the Bible.
My brothers and sisters, Satan will have you ignorant and hell bound over small details. He will use his earthly minions to bring up weak arguments that cast just enough doubt to cause unbelief. He will direct your attention to small differences in the Bible and he will call them contradictions. He will plant a seed of doubt in your mind about an issue in the Bible that is very difficult to translate into our understanding because the events happened so long ago. Satan wants you ignorant and unbelieving so he can lie to you. If you are not sure about this find out for yourself and make a decision based on the evidence.
As I watch the snow I am thankful on this day that God humbled himself and came to earth as man to be sacrificed for our sin. I am grateful that He was born and that because He was born, and because He willingly gave himself, I can live forever in paradise. Hallelujah!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The History of Christmas Part 1
Circa 6 A.D. (In the year of our lord)
Caesar Augustus ruled the Roman Empire. He was a brilliant politician and statesman. His wise decision making as a ruler brought unprecedented peace. In fact, Caesar Augustus was also known as the 'prince of peace.'
Rome, if you didn't know, was a conglomerate of peoples. Rome spread throughout the world by conquering and annexing its neighbors. At the time of Caesar Augustus Rome had already annexed Egypt and Syria respectively. In 6 A.D. Caesar Augustus received a request from the land of Judea (Israel) to be formally annexed into the Roman Empire. Judea had already been dominated and controlled by Rome. This request was really to legalize what had already occurred.
Romans did not like the idea of governing Judea due to the constant unrest and disputes between the Jews and the Greeks who populated the land. There were also disputes between the different sects of Jews at that time: Samaritans, Pharisees, and Sadducee's. Judea was a nightmare to govern, and Rome had put off governorship of the area for as long as it could.
Judea represented a strategic area for Rome. Through Judea, Rome could protect itself from attack from the Iranian Empire, which was a powerful enemy. Also, Rome could gain access to valuable Middle Eastern grain through Judea. Thus, Caesar Augustus granted the request and Judea formally became a Roman territory.
Caesar Augustus, being a shrewd leader, would tax all of the Roman territories through a census. Every man would return to his hometown to be counted, assessed and taxed.
All of these facts can be researched and verified. Judea was annexed by Rome. Rome initiated a tax. Every Jew and Greek in Judea went home to be counted and to pay taxes.
Joseph was a Jew living in Judea at this time. His wife Mary was pregnant, but he was not the father. Joseph and Mary travelled to his home town of Bethlehem to be counted and taxed.
Caesar Augustus ruled the Roman Empire. He was a brilliant politician and statesman. His wise decision making as a ruler brought unprecedented peace. In fact, Caesar Augustus was also known as the 'prince of peace.'
Rome, if you didn't know, was a conglomerate of peoples. Rome spread throughout the world by conquering and annexing its neighbors. At the time of Caesar Augustus Rome had already annexed Egypt and Syria respectively. In 6 A.D. Caesar Augustus received a request from the land of Judea (Israel) to be formally annexed into the Roman Empire. Judea had already been dominated and controlled by Rome. This request was really to legalize what had already occurred.
Romans did not like the idea of governing Judea due to the constant unrest and disputes between the Jews and the Greeks who populated the land. There were also disputes between the different sects of Jews at that time: Samaritans, Pharisees, and Sadducee's. Judea was a nightmare to govern, and Rome had put off governorship of the area for as long as it could.
Judea represented a strategic area for Rome. Through Judea, Rome could protect itself from attack from the Iranian Empire, which was a powerful enemy. Also, Rome could gain access to valuable Middle Eastern grain through Judea. Thus, Caesar Augustus granted the request and Judea formally became a Roman territory.
Caesar Augustus, being a shrewd leader, would tax all of the Roman territories through a census. Every man would return to his hometown to be counted, assessed and taxed.
All of these facts can be researched and verified. Judea was annexed by Rome. Rome initiated a tax. Every Jew and Greek in Judea went home to be counted and to pay taxes.
Joseph was a Jew living in Judea at this time. His wife Mary was pregnant, but he was not the father. Joseph and Mary travelled to his home town of Bethlehem to be counted and taxed.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Surprised by Joy! 2
Brothers and Sisters,
During this season we speak much about joy. But we seem not to have joy. If we were steadfast in our faith our joy would be unshakable, because we would know without doubt that Christ, our savior, who defeated death itself, will one day return for us—his bride. Having that good news continually before us should be more than comfort. Having that good news continually before us should be a source of constant joy.
Instead, brothers and sisters, we get weighed down with this life. We focus on all these pretty things with bells and whistles that are all temporary. All of this stuff will not last. It can only make us comfortable while we are here. However, brothers and sisters, we were not called to be comfortable. We were not called to ‘prosper’ as the current, ignorant world defines prosperity, with filthy money, and things that distract us from God. We are called to prosper in HIM. To receive His spirit and prosper in the JOY that only He can provide.
Our biggest mistake is comparing our lives to the lives of non-believers. We see those who do not serve God and we look lustfully on what they have and we wonder why we don’t have the same. Brothers and sisters, read this carefully.
We may not have the earthly goods that some heathens may have. We may not be able to afford to go to Cancun over the holidays. We may not be able to go to Aspen to ski. But, brothers and sisters what we have is a treasure that cannot be measured by earthly standards. We have God---yes God---living inside of us! That is worth more than anything on this planet. We have eternal life, and when this short earthly sojourn is over, we will be in the presence of God forever!
How dare we forsake the eternal for the temporary. How dare we look at what man made and even for a second, compare it to what God gave. This season, forget about earthly gifts wrapped in pretty paper. Focus instead on the real gift of Christmas---Jesus. He nailed our sin to the cross so that we may enjoy eternal life in paradise. Brothers and sisters, that is real Joy! That joy transcends our current situations and lifts us up regardless of worldly trouble. Give Joy this season. Talk to someone about the Christ of Christmas.
During this season we speak much about joy. But we seem not to have joy. If we were steadfast in our faith our joy would be unshakable, because we would know without doubt that Christ, our savior, who defeated death itself, will one day return for us—his bride. Having that good news continually before us should be more than comfort. Having that good news continually before us should be a source of constant joy.
Instead, brothers and sisters, we get weighed down with this life. We focus on all these pretty things with bells and whistles that are all temporary. All of this stuff will not last. It can only make us comfortable while we are here. However, brothers and sisters, we were not called to be comfortable. We were not called to ‘prosper’ as the current, ignorant world defines prosperity, with filthy money, and things that distract us from God. We are called to prosper in HIM. To receive His spirit and prosper in the JOY that only He can provide.
Our biggest mistake is comparing our lives to the lives of non-believers. We see those who do not serve God and we look lustfully on what they have and we wonder why we don’t have the same. Brothers and sisters, read this carefully.
We may not have the earthly goods that some heathens may have. We may not be able to afford to go to Cancun over the holidays. We may not be able to go to Aspen to ski. But, brothers and sisters what we have is a treasure that cannot be measured by earthly standards. We have God---yes God---living inside of us! That is worth more than anything on this planet. We have eternal life, and when this short earthly sojourn is over, we will be in the presence of God forever!
How dare we forsake the eternal for the temporary. How dare we look at what man made and even for a second, compare it to what God gave. This season, forget about earthly gifts wrapped in pretty paper. Focus instead on the real gift of Christmas---Jesus. He nailed our sin to the cross so that we may enjoy eternal life in paradise. Brothers and sisters, that is real Joy! That joy transcends our current situations and lifts us up regardless of worldly trouble. Give Joy this season. Talk to someone about the Christ of Christmas.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Joy! Part 1
I am having the most difficult time thinking of a clever title for this. Maybe I'm not that clever.
Perhaps it is because Thanksgiving is just behind us and Christmas is right around the corner. Maybe it is because I am old now, and I can no longer check the 25-34 age group box. It could possibly be just the change in me since I've become a real Christian. Of course, the truth is in the last reason. I have enjoyed 33-35 more than I enjoyed 1-33. Because I have experienced the truth behind joy, I can write about it.
What "Joy" has meant to me is simply this:
"I no longer say to myself that I got to do this and I got to do that. (I know this is bad english). Instead, I say, I get to this and I get to do that."
Do you see the difference?
When Christ began to work in me, he began to purge that ugly, childish, selfishness that was deep inside me. He revealed to me that my life no longer belonged to me because I have now been redeemed by His blood, and His sacrifice. This revelation set me free. I am no longer bound by my own foolish selfishness. I am now, as the apostle Paul wrote, a bondservant of the Lord.
Stay with me folks.
Because I have a more perfect understanding of the truth that my reasonable service to the one who died for me is the surrender of my will to His will; I now have a greater appreciation of the gifts and blessings He has given me. What I understand is this: God doesn't owe me; I owe him. So, if everything is my Father's and he shares it with me, I would do well to be greatful. True joy means you are able to focus on what you have, and not focus on what you want. Therefore, I can freely enjoy everything in my life, as opposed to only enjoying the things that come easily, or that give me the most pleasure.
I no longer say, "I got to go to work." I say, "I get to go to work." Because now I understand that being able to work is a blessing. I no longer say, "I got to eat this nasty fast food again." I say, "Thank you Lord, I get to eat today." I no longer say, "I got to drive this old car of mine for another year." Instead I say, "Lord, thank you. I get to drive where I'm going, and not walk, or have to wait for a bus." I no longer say, "I got to go to church." I now say, "Lord thank you for allowing me to come into your house once again. How may I serve you?" I don't even say, "I got to go pay this speeding ticket." I now say, "Lord, thank you for giving me the resources to be able to pay my debt."
Do you see the difference? The difference is not what I'm doing that provides the joy. The joy comes from the changed attitude in whatever I'm doing. This attitude comes from knowing the Lord. The Lord said he would remove our stone hearts and replace them with flesh. The Lord will replace our grumbling and complaining with thanksgiving!
My friends, it is late in the age. I love you too much to leave you ignorant. Follow Christ, or go to hell. Those are the only two options given to us. Have you been joyless, as I once was. Follow Him and He will fill you with a joy that world cannot steal.
Perhaps it is because Thanksgiving is just behind us and Christmas is right around the corner. Maybe it is because I am old now, and I can no longer check the 25-34 age group box. It could possibly be just the change in me since I've become a real Christian. Of course, the truth is in the last reason. I have enjoyed 33-35 more than I enjoyed 1-33. Because I have experienced the truth behind joy, I can write about it.
What "Joy" has meant to me is simply this:
"I no longer say to myself that I got to do this and I got to do that. (I know this is bad english). Instead, I say, I get to this and I get to do that."
Do you see the difference?
When Christ began to work in me, he began to purge that ugly, childish, selfishness that was deep inside me. He revealed to me that my life no longer belonged to me because I have now been redeemed by His blood, and His sacrifice. This revelation set me free. I am no longer bound by my own foolish selfishness. I am now, as the apostle Paul wrote, a bondservant of the Lord.
Stay with me folks.
Because I have a more perfect understanding of the truth that my reasonable service to the one who died for me is the surrender of my will to His will; I now have a greater appreciation of the gifts and blessings He has given me. What I understand is this: God doesn't owe me; I owe him. So, if everything is my Father's and he shares it with me, I would do well to be greatful. True joy means you are able to focus on what you have, and not focus on what you want. Therefore, I can freely enjoy everything in my life, as opposed to only enjoying the things that come easily, or that give me the most pleasure.
I no longer say, "I got to go to work." I say, "I get to go to work." Because now I understand that being able to work is a blessing. I no longer say, "I got to eat this nasty fast food again." I say, "Thank you Lord, I get to eat today." I no longer say, "I got to drive this old car of mine for another year." Instead I say, "Lord, thank you. I get to drive where I'm going, and not walk, or have to wait for a bus." I no longer say, "I got to go to church." I now say, "Lord thank you for allowing me to come into your house once again. How may I serve you?" I don't even say, "I got to go pay this speeding ticket." I now say, "Lord, thank you for giving me the resources to be able to pay my debt."
Do you see the difference? The difference is not what I'm doing that provides the joy. The joy comes from the changed attitude in whatever I'm doing. This attitude comes from knowing the Lord. The Lord said he would remove our stone hearts and replace them with flesh. The Lord will replace our grumbling and complaining with thanksgiving!
My friends, it is late in the age. I love you too much to leave you ignorant. Follow Christ, or go to hell. Those are the only two options given to us. Have you been joyless, as I once was. Follow Him and He will fill you with a joy that world cannot steal.
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