Brothers and Sisters, I know some of you think I'm just here to steal everyone's joy. To the contrary, I believe I must do this to increase everyone's joy---in the lord! Keep in mind, what I say I say out of love.
I've seen many Facebook comments about the BET Awards. Some saying they liked this performance, or they liked that performance. Some saying a certain performer looked like a 'hot mess.' I say, if you watched that idol worship, that work of the devil, then you need to repent. Yes You! Many of the same people who watched that mess post comments every week about going to church on Sunday.
The bible clearly states that you cannot serve two masters. You cannot worship the world and God. So what, then, 'Christian' are you doing watching the BET Awards? It is nothing but the world celebrating itself. If you are a 'Christian' why are you participating in the world celebrating the world, when you are not supposed to have anything to do with the world besides being salt and light to the world.
That's right, I said it. Call me to complain. But you so-called Christians are wrong and someone needs to say it. Those people on that show worship the world system, and many who idolize---yes idolize---those folks are being drawn into their world view. What's worse is that Christian adults are sitting back watching it with their children teaching them to be world worshippers too. I say don't support people in their wrong doing. But as usual, Black folks, even so-called Christian black folks love to look at the spectacle so they can run their mouths the next day. Yes, I said, because it needs to be said. You all can hate me all you want, I don't answer to you. And you know in your heart I'm right. I didn't have to watch the awards to know what they are all about. You didn't either. Are you mad? Good. So am I.
Think about this the next time you even consider wasting your God-given time on that mess. God gave all of those wonderfully talented people on the BET Awards incredible gifts. Those same people have taken those gifts and used them to advance the kingdom of God's enemy. Talk about a slap in the face. To add insult to injury, God's people are sitting up watching his enemy's team perform their work and loving every minute of it. If you don't think those people on the BET are doing the devil's work for him, print out the lyrics and compare them to the word of God. I dare you!!!!
Christians, and so-called Christians, the next time you want to look at that mess, think about what Christ did for you. The intense suffering he willingly endured for you, so you can have eternal life. After you have thought on that, then try to turn around and applaud while His enemy wins an award. C'mon folks, you know in your heart it is wrong, so stop. You have 500 other channels to watch.