Sunday, September 30, 2012

Black American Idol: Our Black President Part 2

How do you know a tree?  By its fruit, right.  In this post we will examine Barack Obama's fruit.  We will look at the conviction that has been produced in Obama through the Holy Spirit, and what the Holy Spirit has revealed to Barack Obama as the truth. 

1 thought before the post- when I was in college we had what we called a yard.  On the 'yard' there were several decorated plots of land to represent the different fraternities and sororities.  It was marked as their territory.  No one but members could walk on that territory.  If those who were members discovered a non-member had walked on the plot there would be consequences for the that person because that person had disrespected the organization by impersonating a member. 

I would submit to you that so-called Christians are impersonating real Christians and walking in territory where they don't need to be and no one in Christianity is calling them out.  Obama said he was a Christian, but nothing he says or does sounds or looks like what Christians should be doing.  Let's examine the evidence. 

After watching these videos, can you vote for this man with a clear conscience? For me, Like I mentioned before, I am not saying here that Christians should vote for Romney. I'm saying Christians don't have a candidate in this election, thus we don't have a dog in this fight. I cannot vote because I don't think either man is for God. This year I think I will abstain from casting a ballot for President and pray about the results.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Black American Idol: Our Black President

This is going to be the post that gets me ostracized by my people.  So be it.  It is well with my soul.  This place is not my home.  My eternal brothers and sisters will understand.  The truth must be told. 

Barack Obama is an idol.  He campaigned on hope and change.  He got elected on hope and change.  Jesus is the real hope and change.  Obama is merely an idol, who did not, and cannot deliver on those promises of hope and change.  Jesus is the only one who can ever deliver true hope and true change.  Anything else is a poor substitute, an idol.

Black Christians knocking at my door.  I am glad to see them.  Then I realize they don't want to talk to me about Jesus.  They want me to vote for Obama.  Brothers and Sisters, I have been living in the same house now for 8 years.  I have never had one Black person knock on my door and tell me about the Jesus of the Bible.  I have had more than one Black person knock on my door and tell me about Obama.  Let's get this sorted out.  Christians must believe that Jesus is the most important thing.  He is the way to eternal life.  But they don't come to my door to tell me about Him.  They would rather use their time and energy telling me about Barack Obama.  To me that reeks of idol worship.  Tell me God is happy with us going around telling the neighborhood about Obama, but we wont open our mouths to talk about Christ! 

Our history in this nation has blinded many of us.  We don't trust white people.  We don't believe they have our best interests at heart.  They have shown us time and time again what they think of us.  So when a viable Black candidate arrived on the scene we got behind him.  We would have our Black president to announce to the nation and the rest of the world that we have arrived.  Unfortunately, if you ask the average Black voter why they support Barack Obama, they would be hard pressed to give you a substantive answer.  And if they gave you one, it'd probably be one of those facts that have not been checked well.  If you don't believe me---try it.  So our best reason for supporting him is the hue of his skin, or so it would seem.  Interesting that our people shed all that blood, sweat, and tears so that people would recognize us for more than our skin color; but we don't seem to be able to get past skin color ourselves.

So, instead of looking at Barack the brother, Barack the ball player, Barack the community organizer, Barack the dancer, Barack the orator, Barack the lover who married pretty Michelle, or Barack the father; I want to look at Barack the Christian man.  He called himself a Christian, let's examine the evidence.  You see brothers and sisters, I don't care about all of the public policy as much I care about how much further the next candidate will take this nation away from God. 

I have a 17 year old boy, and a 6 year old boy.  I love them dearly, and I pray that they are shielded from the ungodliness of this American culture as long as possible.  While I am here, I can steer them through this terrain.  But if I died tomorrow, would this ungodly place swallow them whole without them even knowing it?  My sons cannot walk through a mall without having to to look at pornographic images in the store windows.  They cannot turn on the radio without hearing the most blasphemous, ungodly things.  Let's not get started on TV.    As a Christian myself I must let my faith be my guide.  So how Barack Obama measures up to word of God will inform me of all I need to know.  I hope you will let it inform you as well.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm no Romney supporter either.  Mormon's are not Christians.  The Christ in the book of Mormon is not the Christ in the Bible.  So don't think I'm attempting to sway your vote in that direction.  What I would like is for every Black Christian to know who they are voting for before they cast that vote.  I've already decided not to vote at all this year.  I cannot, without reservations, support either man.  I wish there was someone else to vote for. 

In my next post, we will examine Barack, the Christian.

Now that I have your attention, please check back soon for the 2nd installment.