Brothers and sisters, the hour is far too late not to be vigilant. The enemy is walking around seeking those he may devour. And devour he does.
I have asked this question of myself and I do not like the answers. So, as a service, I will pose the question to you friend. If you are a Christian, how have you set yourself apart from the world?
Simple question, right? If we belong to the Father, how are our lives markedly different from those who do not? I'm not talking about attending church, that is the easy part. How do our lives reflect our beliefs? Do we listen to the same music as the nonbeliever? Do we watch the same movies and television programs? Do we use a sick day when we are not sick? What kinds of books or magazines do we read? Are we wagging our tongues about in gossip? Do we dress and behave modestly? Do our checkbooks reflect what we say is in our hearts?
I would submit to you that the majority of church goers are not Christians. They live regular, sinful American lives, and come to the sanctuary on Sunday. It is not enough to live like that beloved. More is required of us.
When you got saved, Christian, your citizenship in this fallen world was nullified. The moment you said you believed on Jesus Christ as the son of God, and believed that his death and resurrection paid the cost for your soul, you became a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven! You became a joint heir with Christ to everything in God's Kingdom! Praise God! This means we are no longer of this world. We are foreign ambassadors, and we should dare not adopt the customs and beliefs of this foreign land. Our task as ambassadors is to change the world, not be changed by the world.
So, if you had trouble, like me, answering the question, it may be time to look at two areas. 1.) What do you do? 2.) What don't you do? The answers to these questions will allow you to look at your life honestly. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal to you the things that need to be added and subtracted from your life so you look, speak, behave, and can be mistaken for nothing other than an ambassador for Christ.
Last question, when Jesus comes back, how will he distinguish us from the rest of the world if we look, sound like, and behave like, the rest of this fallen world? If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck......
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