Saturday, January 22, 2011

Evidence Part 3 Mommy where does morality come from?

Aside from the very convincing scientific evidence of God's existence, there is also some extremely strong social evidence that there is a God. Let us examine the behavior and morals of the entire world.

Everywhere on earth, there appears to be a common set of human morals despite the many different cultures on the planet. These morals are evident in all societies, and they date back as far as we can validate the evidence through archaeological means.

For example, it is wrong to kill, rape, and steal (unless you are with the IRS) everywhere on the planet. These are basic human morals that exist worldwide.

Where did these morals come from? How did they become so widespread as to permeate every continent and country? Why is it that we know these things are wrong without even being told?

The answer is very simple: where there is a law, there is also a law giver. God made this planet and everything in it. He gave man dominion over everything, and he gave man His law for living in His house. This is why we can all agree on the big ideas. God has placed a conscience in us all (some have to look harder than others to find it, but it is there). Through that conscience we can discern right and wrong.

Folks, our very morals are proof that God exists! He is literally everywhere we look, including our mirrors! Satan will tell us that morals are relative, meaning our situation dictates our morals. This line of thinking allows limitless trespasses. Once we begin to make excuses for immoral behavior, we open the door for infinite depravity. God has put forth a human morality that is constant, as is He. Even those who are starving know it is wrong to steal. The consistent nature of our human morality reflects the constant nature of the law giver, God.

If you are reading this, and you recognize the truth in these words, don't wait any longer. God gave us his law. We have all broken it. God gave us a way to escape the punishment of a righteous God through believing in His son Jesus Christ. Reader, the hour is late. You could drop dead before you finish readi......................just joking, but you could. Make a decision to accept the gift of salvation today. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Stronger Love-------Dr. King's true legacy

When I was younger (I am a 90's child) I was a follower of the teachings of Malcolm Little, better known as Malcolm X. He was the militant voice that expressed my anger and youthful rebellion. Brother Malcolm preached the philosophy of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life. In a nutshell, his teaching was basically this--do unto others as they do unto you, and sometimes, do unto others before they do unto you. I do not believe brother Malcolm preached hate. But I understand now that what he preached was not love.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached love. He preached a love so strong that it could endure the water hoses, the attack dogs, the spitting in the face, the yelling of racial slurs, the police brutality, and yes, even the bodies of young black men that swung from so many southern branches---lifeless.
In the face of real danger, Dr. King's response was simple--to love. It is the greatest commandment, and the hardest to keep. What most of us call love is a weak emotional response to someone that makes us feel good. It is fleeting and corruptible. It is only given to certain individuals.
Real love is much stronger than that. Real love allows us to pray for those who would do us harm. It enables us to show kindness and forgiveness 70 X 7 times to those who hurt us. True love is not just given to certain individuals, it is for the entire human race. If we were made in His image, and we love Him, then we must love the whole of humanity because they too are made in His image. And, we are to do it all of the time. That is a strong love. It is a love that mirrors God's love for us.
Dr. King's legacy is fading. Not because we are not embracing each other, but because we are loving each other too weakly. We don't hold each other accountable in the name of love. Somewhere along the way we have equated love with making people feel good. We neglect the harder love that allows us to stand up to wrong doing in the lives of our loved ones. Dr. King's legacy is failing because we are too weak to tell our sons that their lives should be about self-sacrifice instead of self-indulgence. The legacy is fading because we don't love our fellow man enough to share Jesus.
I'm sure it was very uncomfortable for Dr. King to stand up, march, get thrown in jail, and beaten. He didn't do it for glory. He did it because he loved deeply enough to make a stand. Christians (and I include myself in this) how much do we have to hate someone to not share Jesus when we know he is the way to eternal life in paradise just because it is uncomfortable to do so? How much do we have to hate anyone to not want them saved? What would happen if we all decided to really perfect our witness and share our faith this year? Is that not the ultimate act of love?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Evidence Part 2

If the foolishness of the "Big Bang Theory" does not make you think about the sanity and credibility of high school science then keep reading.

Have you heard of Charles Darwin. He's the guy in the picture. Attractive huh! But, what if I was to say that Darwin was a tool of the enemy who has been used to lead millions away from the truth of God's existence. Therefore, denying them an opportunity to enter paradise and be saved according to the grace of God who gave his only son, Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for our sins. Still attractive? Read on.

Darwin, is known as the father of evolution. He is the genius who came up with the idea that animals and people 'evolve' over time to adapt to their environments. Thus the strongest species are better suited, and therefore natuarally selected to continue procreating and populating the earth. The weaker species of course will die out because they have failed to adapt. He's the reason why we keep seeing that ridiculous picture above showing man being born from an Ape. What he fails to reveal is where the Ape came from. He, of course, didn't know.

Darwin's theory was a huge argument for the slave trade, the Nazi's, and the basis for most other organizations that want to take advantage of, oppress, or openly kill other humans. Based on his theory, the stronger portions of the species have a right, even a responsibility to dominate the weaker portions of the species.

I submit to you that Darwin's theory is hogwash. Human's did not evolve from animals anymore than the earth and everything on it was created from nothing. Neither Darwin, nor any of his followers, has ever proved that anything actually evolved. Darwinsts have no evidence.

On the contrary, there is evidence to negate Darwin's theory. Above there is a picture of a creature called a Chambered Nautilus. It is a fascinating creature that is called a living fossil because it has never evolved. It is also known as one of the earliest creatures to inhabit the planet. But, accoring to Darwin, this creature would have either evolved or died out. But neither has occured. Friends, there are several other examples of animals that have supposedly been around for millions of years, but have never evolved, yet are still walking the earth.

There is other evidence, closer to home. Us. We don't need our pinky toes (pinky toes being the actual scientific term). They serve no function. According to Darwin they should have fallen off by now because they have no use. The same for the appendix. It is apparanly a useless organ. Yet, as far as we know, humans are the same today as we have always been. We have not evolved, yet we remain at the top of the food chain? Hmmmmmm.

People will do anything to avoid the truth. The truth is simple. Genesis (that's the first book in the Bible) is correct. God created the heavens, the earth, and its inhabitants. We did not evolve out of some nasty slime filled pit to become living, thinking, loving creatures by chance. We had a designer. He is God, and he left us a manual called the Bible. Any other explanation is a lie.

We will continue looking at the evidence of God in our world next time.