Saturday, January 22, 2011

Evidence Part 3 Mommy where does morality come from?

Aside from the very convincing scientific evidence of God's existence, there is also some extremely strong social evidence that there is a God. Let us examine the behavior and morals of the entire world.

Everywhere on earth, there appears to be a common set of human morals despite the many different cultures on the planet. These morals are evident in all societies, and they date back as far as we can validate the evidence through archaeological means.

For example, it is wrong to kill, rape, and steal (unless you are with the IRS) everywhere on the planet. These are basic human morals that exist worldwide.

Where did these morals come from? How did they become so widespread as to permeate every continent and country? Why is it that we know these things are wrong without even being told?

The answer is very simple: where there is a law, there is also a law giver. God made this planet and everything in it. He gave man dominion over everything, and he gave man His law for living in His house. This is why we can all agree on the big ideas. God has placed a conscience in us all (some have to look harder than others to find it, but it is there). Through that conscience we can discern right and wrong.

Folks, our very morals are proof that God exists! He is literally everywhere we look, including our mirrors! Satan will tell us that morals are relative, meaning our situation dictates our morals. This line of thinking allows limitless trespasses. Once we begin to make excuses for immoral behavior, we open the door for infinite depravity. God has put forth a human morality that is constant, as is He. Even those who are starving know it is wrong to steal. The consistent nature of our human morality reflects the constant nature of the law giver, God.

If you are reading this, and you recognize the truth in these words, don't wait any longer. God gave us his law. We have all broken it. God gave us a way to escape the punishment of a righteous God through believing in His son Jesus Christ. Reader, the hour is late. You could drop dead before you finish readi......................just joking, but you could. Make a decision to accept the gift of salvation today. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

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