Why is it that nothing on this planet really satisfies us fully? If we eat and are filled, we become hungry again. If we drink and our thirst is quenched, we only become thirsty again. Some things do provide pleasure, but we must repeat that thing every time we want the pleasure; so we are never eternally satisfied.
I came across an idea from C.S. Lewis of Narnia fame. His idea of transposition is about the best explanation to the above questions and statements that I have ever read. It is a hard concept to grasp though, so stay with me.
As humans, we tend to cheapen heavenly ideas with lesser earthly ideas. The goodness in our lives as we define it is a mere imitation of its greater heavenly counterpart. However, since we have never been to heaven, we cannot imagine the greater good that exists in the spiritual realm. The goodness we experience on earth is but a shadow of the goodness that is to come to those who believe in Jesus Christ.
For example, the earth itself is an awesome creation with all of its mountains, valleys, desserts, lakes, rivers, and oceans. Just to sit and think about the variety of climates and landforms can be a monumental task. The earth itself points to the creative power of God. However, humans, being bound by the earth, have not fully embraced the awesome energy of God. Instead we are satisfied with the greatness of the planet and we forget that this planet is a mere shadow of His fantastic power. We are too easily enraptured with the wonderfulness of the creation to give thought to the unlimited power of the creator.
The point I believe Mr. Lewis was making with his theory is counter intuitive to how most people think. I believe Mr. Lewis was saying that in life we are woefully dissatisfied, not because we are too hard to please, but because we are far too easily pleased. Instead of focusing on the fulfilling spiritual truths of God, we are content to accept temporary substitutes that are corruptible and will not last.
Brothers and Sisters, the reason we will never be satisfied by the things of this world is because we are not designed for this existence. Our original design was to live an eternal, perfect existence. It was Satan that brought forth temptation which gave birth to sin and corrupted our perfection. Our true home is in heaven with our creator. It is only when we are alive on this earth with the assurance that one day we will go to our real home in heaven that we can be truly be at peace.
The enemy is a great imitator. He was in heaven, and understands the things of heaven. Satan knows how to pacify us with the fakes so we will not seek the real thing. Brothers and Sisters, think about the applications of this idea. Satan will give us happiness to deter us from finding joy. The beast will give us money so that we will never truly be rich. That devil will give us all the lust we can handle so that we never understand love.
Are you starting to see how the greater thing is perverted so we blindly accept the lower thing?
I told you this was hard to handle. Brothers and Sisters, don’t settle for the mirage when you can have the
real water. Jesus is the well of living water that will truly satisfy our souls. Trust Him today. Believe in Him, and I guarantee you will be deeply satisfied beyond what you could ever imagine.
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