This topic has really led me to examine myself. What a wretched man I am. Right after the apostle Paul says love is not proud in 1 Corinthians, he says love is not rude. Rude, according to the Greek definition means to act intolerably, or indecently, or dishonorably.
Rude has to have an object. You cannot be rude to no one. You must be rude to someone. It is important to note here that brother Paul does not qualify this statement by naming persons love is not rude to----he is writing universally---he means love is not rude to anyone.
Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are: 1. Love thy lord thy god with all thy heart, all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 2. Love thy neighbor as thyself.
If we take the second greatest commandment, and apply Paul's statement that love is not rude to ourselves, do we find ourselves lacking in love? I know I do.
There is a close friend to our family. She is a wonderful person; and when she feels like she has been mistreated, she has to 'get them told'. Usually, getting someone told involves some level of rudeness. If we are to follow the great commandments, is being rude ever justified? Even in the face of being mistreated? Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. When we have an issue, how we address it can be telling. The word of God says we are to be living epistles, and represent Christ on earth. My pastor said it best today. Someone is always around to eat your fruit. Is your fruit full of the goodness and sweetness of God, or is it sour and rotten? Is your behavior in the face of adversity attractive to the non-Christian? Would someone look at your behavior and see Jesus?
Brothers and Sisters, when I examine myself according to Paul's word, it is very ugly indeed. I am impatient...and that impatience often manifests itself as rudeness to others who make me wait. This can be at work, driving (especially driving), in line at the store (especially in line at the store), even at home. In conversation I cut people off, sometimes I don't even listen to what they have said. But I will look at them an nod like I'm listening. Sometimes I even throw in a 'mmmhmmm' for good measure. I am horrible about not returning personal phone calls too. If you have been a victim---I apologize. As I ponder my own rude behavior, I realize I have a long way to go.
I am sure I am not the only Christian with these particular issues. Perhaps then, if you read this, you will examine yourself in this area. Maybe the Holy Spirit will convict you as He has me, and cause you to have a desire to pray about this area in your life.
"In his book "Handyman of the Lord, William Borders tells the story of a black man whose poverty left him begging for food. Ringing the front doorbell at a Southern Mansion, the man was told to go around to the back, where he would be given something to eat. The owner of the mansion met him on the back porch and said, „First we will bless the food. Repeat after me, „Our Father, who art in heaven…‟ ‟ (Lucado, A Love Worth Giving, p.59)
The hungry man replied, „Your father who art in heaven…‟
„No,‟ the owner of the house corrected. „Our Father who art in heaven…‟
Still the beggar said, „Your Father who art in heaven…‟
Frustrated, the giver of the food asked, „Why do you insist on saying „your Father‟ when I keep telling you to say „our Father‟?‟
The man answered, „If I say „our Father,‟ that would make you and me brothers, and I‟m afraid the Lord wouldn‟t like it, you askin‟ your brother to come to the back porch to get a piece of bread."
Love is not rude.