Monday, January 14, 2013

Pillars of the Faith: The Infallibility of Scripture

There are two types of biographies available on bookshelves today.  There are authorized biographies, and there are unauthorized biographies.  The authorized biographies are written in conjunction with the person whom the book is about.  The unauthorized version is not.  If you want the facts straight; which biography do you choose?

The argument that some people have, even some Christians, is that the Bible is an unauthorized biography because it was written by men.  However, the same critics, believe that Jesus existed, and they do not criticize his words. 

I would say to anyone who believes that the Bible is flawed, to closely examine the evidence on their own.  The Bible is comprised of 66 books, written over a period of 1400 years by 40 different authors.  Although so much time and so many different people were involved--the Bible never contradicts itself.  Now folks, you can't get two people who witnessed a purse snatched to agree on the facts.  These are 40 different men over 1400 years.  The reason the Bible is so consistent is because it is God speaking through men, and God is immutable, and so is His word. 

I did not write the next part, but it is interesting.

There were several secular historians who wrote about the events of the New Testament at the same time the Bible was being written. Josephus is the most well-known of them. He was a Jewish historian. Tacitus was a Roman historian who would have no benefit from not telling the truth. Both these men, as well as others, can be used to back up the historical accuracy of the Bible.

There are historical discoveries regularly coming to light that continue to support the accuracy of the Bible. Merrill Unger, who compiled a Bible dictionary wrote, “Old Testament archeology has rediscovered whole nations, resurrected important peoples, and in a most astonishing manner filled in historical gaps, adding immeasurably to the knowledge of Biblical backgrounds.”

There are more than 3,200 verses with fulfilled prophecy either within the Bible itself or since the Bible was written. But there are still more than 3,100 verses with unfulfilled prophecies.

Read more:

Ok, me again.

No other book can claim to have 3,200 verses of prophecy fulfilled.  If this is not proof that the Bible is the infallible word of God, I don't know what is. 

Lastly, Brothers and Sisters, Jesus.  If Jesus was who he said he was, and I believe he was, then we can never deny the infallibility of scripture.  Why?  Because Jesus quoted the Bible 78 times in the Gospels.  So, then, we have the man whom the book is about, quoting from the book which was written about Him before the book was finished.  Incidentally, we also have that man quoting scriptures about himself that were written hundreds of years before he was born.  The evidence in favor of the infallibility of scripture in the life and words of Jesus Christ alone is staggering.

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