Greeting Brothers and Sisters!
What a great day it is in the Lord.
The actual title of this post is: We are children when it comes to Satan; but we are grown when it comes to God.
Our families are not producing quality fruit- agree or disagree? This entire series hinges on that one statement. We are not as a group of people producing the kind of fruit needed for the kingdom of God. Of course, there are pockets of good fruit, but in a larger context, we resemble the fig tree in Matthew 21:19. Thus, the purpose of this series is to examine our family culture and attitudes through the lens of the Bible.
Okay, this post is going to make people mad. I already know this. Bring it on.
Our families behave like children when it comes to things of Satan: we go to the devil with our arms open, our mouths open, our ears open, our hearts open, our minds open and we want everything our enemy wants to give us. We do this as adults, and we pass on these covert attitudes to our children, so they too will go to our enemy with open arms.
This point boils down to what we value, and how we make the determination if something is valuable or not. Our problem is that we put far too high a value on cars, clothes, jewelry, hair (c'mon now), food, and entertainment. I can even add to the list cell phones. Thus we unconsciously go after these things, or allow ourselves to be drawn away from the presence of God by these things. So this is what our children value.
All the enemy has to do is dangle a shiny new phone in our face, or promise us a good time with our friends, or promise us prestige because we have this car; and we flock to him like children to the ice cream truck. We are the proverbial putty in his hands for these foolish trinkets.
Or the enemy can allow someone we know to have these things and cause us to be eaten from the inside out with covetousness.
But when it comes to God we want to be grown. When it comes to travelling on the narrow road to salvation, we all of a sudden want to follow our own path. We don't go to God as children like He said. We get grown up when it comes to the Lord. Lord, I know I'm not supposed to do this, or do that; but I'm going to do it anyway, cause I'm grown! Lord, I know I'm supposed to be follwing your example, but I'm not because I'm grown! So Lord, I'm going to watch what I want to watch, listen to what I want to listen to, buy what I want to buy, go where I want to go, and who I want to go with, because I'm grown!
And we pass this attitude on to our children as well.
Is there any wonder why our families fail. Is there any wonder why our young men go to jail. We have it backwards. We are to go to God as little children. We should get grown with the enemy and tell him what we are and are not going to do.
Wait, is that an Ice Cream truck I hear.....
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