Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bad Advice: Follow Your Heart

Don't follow your heart. Don't tell people to follow their hearts, don't receive it if someone tells you to follow yours.

In this culture, we are experts in giving bad advice. Telling one to follow their heart is the same as telling them to go to hell, because that is precisely where our hearts will lead us. Let's examine the scripture.

In Genesis 6:5 God himself saw that every inclination of man's heart was only evil all of the time.

In Matthew 15:19 Jesus said out of the heart come evil thoughts, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

In these passages we can see that our hearts are corrupt and evil. The desires of our heart are worldly, lustful, prideful things. We need to resist our hearts and follow God's Spirit that he put in us. The next time you want to give advice, don't tell anyone to follow that wicked thing. Instead, tell them to search the scriptures and pray.

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