Brothers and Sisters,
It is my goal to continously keep the work of the enemy in front of us so we may know it when we hear it, or see it. I was listening to sermon by Vodie Bauchum on, and he was talking about the Wide Gate and Narrow Gate. I was so convicted by the message that I am compelled here to address the topic as it relates to a function of modern culture to condemn Christians for being "narrow" minded.
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Clearly, Jesus intends to explain to the Christian that the way to life is narrow. Remember, the word life, is how Jesus descrisbed himself. The way to Him is narrow, and one must enter it intentionally. When we enter through the narrow gate, we must allow our worldly attachments and lusts to be stripped away. The strait gate is lonely, because there are few that find it, and less that enter it. But Heaven is on the other side. On the other hand, the wide gate is crowded. I imagine it is lit up with neon signs, music playing, people dancing and having a great time. Most people will take that gate and that road. That road leads to hell.
The enemy has made it offensive, and insulting to be a narrow minded thinker. However, we know that to do something intentionally (like enter into the narrow gate) we must first concieve it in our mind. We must think it. Therefore, bretheren, I say to you that every true Christian must be narrow minded. We must adhere to the word of God and live our lives within the culture, but not be influenced by the culture.
As we can see from the text, being narrow minded is a wonderful thing. It means we have a purpose and have intentionally entered into a straigt gate that lead to heaven, our true home. My brothers and sisters, don't let the enemy convince you to broaden your mind! The culture tells us we need to be broad thinkers and experience all that life has to offer. I write to you today to warn you to beware of anyone that tries to sell you that. Broad and wide are synonyms. We don't want to be broad thinkers as Christians, we want to be deep thinkers, with a narrow focus, Jesus. Broad thinkers are on their way to hell.
One last thing. To complete the analogy, I think it is appropriate to say here that the people on the narrow road and the people on the wide road can see one another as they are travelling. And, as the people on the narrow road, it is imperative that we carry ourselves quite differently from the people on the wide road. They should look at us and see that although our road is much harder, we are determined to stay on it because we know paradise is on the other side. They should look at us and want to take the road less travelled.
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