In my previous post we talked about the Christian and the idea of being cool. There are many more things to say about that, but we are going to look at another topic today. I would contend that if a Christian could deal successfully navigate this particular area, it will allow them access a level of connection with God through the Holy Spirit that would allow for tremendous spiritual growth.
Last year I was sitting in my office when I received a telephone call. It was a lady who lived near the school where I work and she was upset about the marquee-saying that we were attracting the wrong students by putting our messages in English and Spanish. She proceeded to tell me that the sign represented the reason your school had the wrong kinds of students. Rage and defensiveness welled up in me and I unleashed on her a terrible lashing with my unbridled tongue. I don't recall what I uttered, but it was by no means loving or God Honoring. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who convicted me, after the anger subsided, to apologize to the woman. Not as a function of my job, but as a function of my faith.
The following day I searched through the numbers in my phone to no avail. I could not tell which number was hers, so I was not able to give the apology I deeply wanted to give. But God opened a door and she called back. She apologized first, and she said she was a Christian and then I commented that I shared a like faith, and an equally like apology. The proverbial weight was lifted from my shoulders. I thank God that He is always so graceful.
That anecdote, has a lot in it. There was first a misunderstanding, followed by anger, then apology, forgiveness and reconciliation. Each one of those things is important in the life of a Christian. We should look at them all, but today we'll only address the root cause of the original misunderstanding---- PRIDE.
Yes folks, pride. My simple definition of pride is putting yourself above others. Pride is the original sin, the sin that allowed Satan to rebel against God. If our sin nature is a solar system, then Pride is the sun which all other sins revolve around.
In my case, my pride made it impossible to listen with empathy to the lady on the phone. It caused me to leap into a defense instead of calmly giving logical reasons for the marquee. The truth is, I never understood her argument, and that led to a misunderstanding. Proverbs 4:7 states that we need to get understanding.
You all are thinking, where is he going with all of this. Here it is. Our pride gets in the way of us understanding others. If we do not understand others we can never truly present the gospel of Christ in a way that they will understand. We will never understand where to start. Instead, we act from a defensive stance, attempting to defend our faith which never needs to be defended. It only needs to be lovingly explained. Our pride makes us loose site of the mission---to win souls.
The remedy to our foolish pride is love and humility. Neither of these things live in the flesh. The antidote is to live in the spirit. To crucify our flesh daily and be guided daily by the Holy Spirit. This is only done through prayer, study, prayer and spending time in the word of God.
Brothers and Sisters, this is my challenge to us: to root out pride wherever it may hide in our hearts and minds. To go after it like a doctor goes after cancer cells. To pray and read and study until we have allowed God to cleanse us that we may be used by Him.
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